Masguda I. Shamsutdinova's site


American composer Bern Herbolsheimer

American composer Bern Herbolsheimer received recognition throughout the United States and Europe for over 500 works ranging from ballet to symphonic, operatic, chamber and choral works.
I met him at the Opera House in Kazan (capital of Tatarstan republic, Russia) by chance. At that time I was writing the oratorio "The Tragedy of the Earthly Sons". I came to the director of the opera house, who was the drama specialist that I followed in my musical quest. There I met Bern. He had a music business with theater. He was so charming and interested in the topic of conversation (my oratorio about the tragedy of Cain and Abel). He asked me what I needed for imagination to complete my oratorio, I said that I wanted to see volcanoes. He said welcome to Seattle, he would show me a volcano that could wake up any minute. When me with my family landed at the Seattle airport, he met us. He brought us to his house, where we lived for almost a month, until we settled in our rented apartment on Queen Anne Hills in Seattle. My oratorio was completed in Seattle and performed in Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia.